Everything about Fibonacci Series – Simply Explain

Fibonacci series

Though everyone doesn’t like mathematics but ,In education system Math’s is very vital subject which empowering calculation ability.

As much math is complicated that much its interesting too, when you start to learn basic mathematics, Then you are surely learning theorems, Formulae as well as addition, subtraction etc.

As you all knows most of the mathematics calculation is depends on formulae, where sometimes ascending and descending order like concept making math more interesting, Here one thing is most important fun also included into math.

Here you are going through from One of the most interesting mathematics concept by name ‘Fibonacci series’ , Its part of fun with math’s. We are discussing Everything in detail about ‘Fibonacci series’ , It will surely informative as well as quite amazing for you.

Fibonacci series

What is ‘Fibonacci Series’

Before go into detail, The important thing is get to know what is actually ‘Fibonacci Series’ , answer is ” Its series of numbers which starts from 0 and 1 , where a next number is addition of last two numbers. ”

For Example : – 0, 1, 1, 2,3,5,8,13,21…. so on.

Here in example you have clearly seen , Every next number is a addition of last two number and same way this series going on. Actually this series works on one important basic rule or formula, Like as

Xn = Xn-1 + Xn – 2


Xn = is a term number ‘n’

Xn -1 = is a previous term (n-1)

while, Xn – 2 = is the term before that (n-2)

With the using of above rule so easily and faster you can calculate any number of term like as , If you want to find 8th term then you can calculate like below.

Rule: Xn = Xn-1 + Xn-2

Adding value into Rule.

X8 = X(8-1) + X(8-2)

X8 = X7 + X6

Here , X7 is 13 and X6 is 8, According to ‘Fibonacci series’ , Lets add their value

X8 = 13 + 8

X8 = 21

Hence, 8th term number is 21 in Fibonacci series.

But here one thing so important that is before find any number term ,You should first make ready ‘Fibonacci Series’ like as below given.

.. n = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 ,15 , .. So on

Xn = 0 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 ,13 , 21, 34, 55 , 89 , 144 , 233, 377, 610 .. So on

Some Interesting and Funny things about ‘Fibonacci Series’

You can see in Fibonacci series 1) Number X3 = 2, So Every 3rd number is multiple of 2 like as 2, 8,34.

2) Number X4 = 3 , Every 4th number is multiple of 3. like as 3,21,144.

3) Number X5 = 5, Every 5th number is multiple of 5 like as 5, 55, 610.

So here conclusion is every ‘n’ number is a multiple of Xn.

In brief About promoter of ‘Fibonacci Series’

Actually this series had already known in India before its went to know whole world. But the man who was responsible to make famous this series his name was Leonardo Pisano Bogollo , His native was Italy in 12th century. This man help to spread this series everywhere , that’s why on his nick name ‘Fibonacci’ this series name had been set up as a ‘Fibonacci Series’.

On behalf of his memory Every year 23 November is going to be celebrate as a “Fibonacci Day”.

Hope you have very well understood this very interesting and fun with math concept , Also you are able now to find the actual term of number with the help of rule as given in article.

You can teach this series method to kids or students to make fun during the learning of math. Such kind of Interesting mathematics concept attracting students concentration more towards math.


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