Hard Work is Key to Success (Essay)

Hard Work is Key to Success Essay

Everybody in life wants success. Success means more money and respected status in society. When people achieve some big goal in life then we say that he is successful.

Different people have different goals in life someone wants to become a doctor, engineer, lawyer or businessman, etc. It does not matter what you want to become one thing remains the same that is you have to do rigorous hard work to achieve the desired goal. Hard work means both physical hard work and mental hard work.

Hard Work is Key to Success Essay in English


Your will and determination play an important role in determining the level of your hard work. The mindset of hardworking people is that they will take a rest after the job is over. Rest has no place in the life of hardworking and successful people. Work is like worship. We can say that the mind is god, the body is a temple and work is worship.

A lazy person can never achieve success in life. He lives on the circumstances that fortune will bring success to him. But that does not happen. The success that luck brings to you is short-lived. A lazy person does not know how to handle success. Hardworking people know how to handle both success and failure. They know that we should not stop working after success because no success is final and should not lose heart because no failure is permanent.

Successful people are intoxicated by hard work. Some people have this habit that if they take some task to do they do it by putting in maximum effort and full concentration. Hard work is a habit in the same way laziness is a habit.

If you give a reward to a person after lots of hard work it will psychologically strengthen his behavior and he will do, more hard work in the same way if you give reward to idle people for not doing anything it will strengthen his behavior and he will become idler.

We have examples of great people like Thomas Edison the inventor of the electric bulb who works 21 hours a day and sleeps for 4 hours a day in the laboratory. The first prime minister of  India Pt. Nehru worked for 17 hours a day and sleep for 7 hours a day he used to work 7 days of the week there were no holidays in his work schedule.

The prime minister of India Narendra Modi works for 17 to 18 hours a day. For great men work is pleasure and laziness is the luxury they cannot afford. Hard work is not always about how much you do but also about how well you do.

I will like to mention the story of Rabbit and Tortoise here some people are intelligent but they are lazy like our rabbit on the other hand some people are less intelligent but they are hardworking like our Tortoise. When Rabbit and Tortoise compete in a race.

The rabbit was supposed to win but Tortoise wins the race with his consistent hard work, Rabbit becomes overconfident, and idle after seeing the tortoise slow speed hence he loses the race. The same things happen in real life people do hard work but they are not consistent with their hard work. Therefore they have to face failure.

Anybody can do hard work according to his ability if he is trained to do so. Our school and teachers are entrusted with the responsibility to make our child a hard-working human being.

In school children should be taught the importance of hard work and they should be taught to do hard work with honesty. Honesty is very important while doing hard work.

Some students develop the habit of cheating in school they should be taught that the reward of hard work even it is little is sweet and that of cheating and stealing even it is more than enough it’s of no use. Students should be taught that making mistakes is better than faking perfection.

Hard work is key to success is it right we will like to modify this line and conclude this essay here. Hard work with proper direction is key to success. Most of the people who do hard work do not succeed because their hard work does not have proper direction.

When you do hard work your goal must be realistic and flexible. You should follow the easy path to reach your goal for that study the area in which you want to achieve success.


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