How to Overcome Exam Fear?

How to overcome exam fear

1. Make your own timetable

When you prepare for the exam then first of all you have to do is make your own timetable. Try to cover the hard subject first in that cover important topics give a proper sequence according to their important do this for all subject topics in this way you can make your timetable by these it will be easy for you to prepare for exam and your all topic will be covered.

2. start revising early

Lots of students don’t want to wake up early in the morning for them it’s a very difficult task. But when you revise early then that topic easily learn and understand within less time as compared to the afternoon or night, So for exams try to wake up early in the morning and revise for an exam by this you can understand the topic well and which useful for your exam

3. Stay positive

sometimes it happens that some topic is hard to understand that time you are demotivated regarding that topic or subject so at that time you can do some favorite thing that helps to refresh your mind and you fill positive.

4. Sleep properly

When you are preparing for an exam you must to take care of yourself you have to maintain a proper diet and sleep. You have to take proper sleep while you are preparing for exams and you must need to take a proper diet such as juice, and healthy food.

5. Do not compare yourself with other

When you are studying and that time you think about others such as, what they study. Whether they complete all syllabi or not. So stop thinking like this and just focus on yourself, what you prepare for the exam, and which topics are pending to cover focus on this and do your best for the exam.


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