How to write an Essay : Tips and Tricks 

How to write Essay: Tips and Tricks 

Have you written an essay? Of course yes. All of us had written an essay. No matter how did we write it, but at some point, we come across it undoubtedly.

Writing an essay is seems to be a very difficult task. But it is not so. If you know what and how to write it, then it will be very easy for you. Today we are going to see some tips and tricks which can enhance your writing skill.

How to write an Essay

How to write an Essay
How to write an Essay

Tips of Essay Writing:

1. Understand the Topic:

The very first thing, you have to do is, understand the concept of your topic. Write the content of the essay as suggested in the topic. Do not get distracted from the topic.

2. Make an outline of your subject:

When you get the topic, prepare its outline. Think about what you can write in beginning and what in the end. You can prepare a rough tree diagram-like structure. Think about a minimum of 4-5 topic-related sub-topics.

3. Begin essay with Introduction:

Write down the introduction of your essay topic in the beginning. You can write the meaning of the topic and what you are going to write about it. The introduction must be of a paragraph.

4. Add some key points:

To make your essay attractive must add some key or bullet points. Elaborate these points if necessary. Do not write too much on a single point.

5. Be on the point:

Do not forget the main concept of the essay topic.

6. First think then write:

Think about what you want to write and then pen it down. It will avoid unnecessary sentence construction. Many people write something and then scratch it. It makes a bad impression on the reader.

7. Write on the research and your own opinions:

Take the help of references or researches and write it in your own words. Also, you can add your own opinion on the researches.

8. Add paragraphs:

To make the essay attractive, add 3-5 paragraphs to it. Begin each paragraph with a new point and explain the complete point in the paragraph. Try to connect the next paragraph with earlier in some way.

9. Add Conclusion:

Conclude what you are trying to say in the essay. It is the chance to tie up all your ideas and points expressed in each paragraph.

Essay Writing Tips:

  • Add some phrases and idioms.
  • Write an essay in the form of questions and answers.
  • Try to create a contradictory situation. Give an explanation of each situation. It will make the reader more interested.
  • Write in active voice.
  • Use simple words.
  • Use short sentences.

With the help of these simple tips and tricks, you can make your essay attractive. Try to use them in your writing and make it more interesting.


This is all about the tips and tricks used while writing an essay. The main purpose of the essay is to connect readers with your writing. It is very important to show, how you think about any topic.

Hope this will helps you. So, let’s start writing essays.


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